tripping the life unbalanced

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

nostalgia road

Instead of catching up on work, which I really should be doing tonight, I've been watching some old faves on you tube. I've even managed to get Alice into some of them. Tonight we've indulged in:

Dr. Snuggles
Fables of the Green Forest
Electric Company
What's The Name of That Song?

Some of the animation and production values on these shows just make me feel old. And MAN was some of that 70s/early 80s programming pretty heavy on the granola/psychedelic side of things. But mostly I feel giddy watching these shows, especially with an enthralled 3 year old perched on my lap.

(Note: Thanks Karrie, for giving me a new bad habit! I started on this youtube mess a few weeks ago after your own post, and now can't stop. I hold you responsible.)


  • I was asking my daughter yesterday if those "Grammar Rock" segments were still on TV when she was young. (I couldn't remember.) Apparently they were. We had a fun time remembering "Conjunction Junction" and other songs.

    By Blogger Ann D, at 12:01 a.m.  

  • YouTube abuse is such fun!

    I was deprived of the Dr. Snuggles show as a kid, but thanks to you, my son won't be.

    By Blogger karrie, at 6:36 a.m.  

  • In the greeeen forest, the grreeeen forest, thestoriesyouheardaboutallcometolifeyesthestoriesyourheardabout

    I dare not peek at that. Even for a moment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:25 p.m.  

  • The Electric Company has one memory for me. At the end, they used to show an empty rocking chair, and the voiceover would say...

    "And what about Naomi?"

    Apparently I used to run out of the room crying.

    Ah...good times.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:55 p.m.  

  • Ah, Dr. Snuggles... I rediscovered him on youtube a while back. Love it! But youtube didn't really have enough to satisfy so I tried downloading all 13 episodes but something went wrong. Where there's a will there's a way though so I'll keep trying.

    Oh -- did you see the revamped dirty version of Dr Snuggles on youtube? Not nice... the final image stayed with me for days...

    By Blogger cinnamon gurl, at 1:04 p.m.  

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