vacation postmortem
I've been back for awhile now, but apparently getting my ass in gear to blog again is much too much energy. And it has been DAMN HOT in Toronto, so I can use that as an excuse for my lethargy. But really? I'm just lazy.
Instead of give you a full play-by-play of exactly what went down during our time away in this excellent place, I thought I would just leave you with some of the more memorable events. (and hey, those of you with a young child: you know it's not really a week of relaxation when you spend the time with 10 of your family members without your partner in parenting and with a 3 year old who doesn't fall asleep until midnight every night, right? Ah yes. You know that).
A few glimpses into our vacation:
1) A roomful of grown adults singing along to Disney's "Princess Sing-Along Song" on dvd, which highlights the more popular (and somewhat annoying) hits from any Disney movie with a princess in it. Best all-around award must go to Uncle Aaron who belted out "A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!!" every hour or so, sending Alice into a fit of giggles each time.
2) A table full of shouting (and mostly drunk) grown-ups playing Texas Hold-Em, while a 3 year old tries to sleep upstairs.
3) watching Alice get progressively stoned after I gave her baby Gravol for the first time (oh people, it works, it REALLY works)
4) a Treasure Hunt my parents orchestrated that sent my siblings and I into a tizzy of competition. Yes, that's right. An organized hunt, people. A full-on scavengener-like hunt that drove my sister, myself, and my SIL to run around the small town, giggling like teenagers and trying to throw the other team (my brother and brother-in-law) off track.
5) eating greasy fries on the beach
6) rock hunting with Alice on the Lake Huron shore
7) a well-intentioned but poorly-planned anniversary celebration for my parents (35 years!) that began the night before with a bunch of excited brainstorming and over-the-top plans and ended up being a really nice dinner cooked by my brother and SIL.
8) hanging with my asshat sister who lives too far away in New Jersey. Also hanging with my BIL and SIL getting to know them better
9) watching Alice paint her beloved Uncle Peter's toes pink
10) in the car on the way home, Alice grabbing my hand and whispering "I like it when we have a holiday together."
Ok. That's it for me for now. I have to get some momentum infused in this blog - I just don't seem to be that interested in posting these days. I'll try to get some more posts in soon.
Over and out.
Sounds like a good time. Welcome back!
chichimama, at 8:08 p.m.
Holiday head is like a really bad hangover ~ you feel fuzzy and lack motivation! it too shall pass...
Enjoy the remaining dog days of summer...
Oh, and welcome back!
Anonymous, at 8:18 p.m.
When I get to Southampton this weekend, I bet it will still smell like you.
Unknown, at 9:34 p.m.
Thanks Kate - as always, you capture everything so well - you have the gift - perhaps from your grandfathers, both writers of course.
We enjoyed the time as much as you guys did, and as always I went into a bit of slump on your leaving - the fact that I was going into a 2 week stint with my own mother (93), may have contributed slightly.
Family time, either love it or hate it, we all gotta do it. Glad I have such great kids and sig. others so I can love it.
Anonymous, at 9:47 a.m.
yes, it's true family time is great yet exhausting. peter and i (aka SIL) had a fantastic time in the 'hamptons'. as always, alice captured our hearts. by the way, i'm totally addicted to your blog.
Anonymous, at 6:34 p.m.
Awww, that last bit from Alice-too sweet!
I wish I had a family like that.
thordora, at 10:39 a.m.
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