H to the izz-O, M to the izz-E
Lame. Yes I know. Capital L Lame. But can't a girl love her some Jay-Z just once in a while? Can't I throw around these lyrics like I'm not the whitest mama on the block?
I'm home now from a week-long business trip in Banff. It was hectic and busy and productive and a bit too long. There is only so much talking about television I can do. 'Cause that is virtually what I do all day long. Talk about tv, think about tv, pitch tv shows, listen to tv show pitches, and on and bloody on. Most days I love what I do and do it well. But there are some days when I feel like if I have to hear "OK, there's this makeover team, see?" I will shoot myself and those around me in the face. Or I will just lose my shit and start freaking out about the amount of useless tv shows that are actually currently on the air and how we could all benefit from other activities like, oh I don't know, reading?
I'm not sure which reaction would be worse for my career, actually.
Alice spent the week at my parents up north and had a great time. I think she might have worn them thin by the end of their time together, though. They looked pretty happy to be driving away from her instead of rushing out of the car like they usually do to see who will get to her first. She looked about two years older and actually got taller in the week we were apart. Seriously, the child is almost half my size and I ain't no shorty. I look at her sometimes and think "wow, she is going to kick ASS when she is a teenager." And then other times I feel bad, because I know her fate: the tallest girl in the grade eight room with a bunch of boys who seem a million years younger and much more immature and who act like little fuckers really. Um yeah. I think I have some leftover resentment.
Anyway, I gotta get back on this blogging horse. How does one get her momentum back after a week of listening to many pontifications on the "future" of the Canadian television industry??? She plants her ass in front of the PVR'd episodes of fantastically non-Canadian programs like Entourage and Big Love.
Hey, wasn't "You Can't Do That on Television" a Canadian program? Degrassi Jr. High? Those shows were pretty awesome. Glad to see you back! :)
Jackie, at 11:48 a.m.
Non-Canadian TV like "Entourage" and "Big Love" rocks. Not that all-Canadian TV and the mountains of Banff don't, but those two shows are just so good!
Deanna McFadden, at 7:39 a.m.
I have to agree with prev. I am
so excited "Entourage" is back and
I can't wait for "Big Love" to come
back. I have to admit, I loved
"You can't do that on Television" when
I was a kid though........
Anonymous, at 7:47 p.m.
At least your daughter won't be towering over you - by the time she's a teenager, Josie will be able to pick me up and sit me on a shelf.
Unknown, at 4:01 p.m.
and while the grandparents were indeed worn a bit thin, we oohed and aahed over the photos when we downloaded them finally - and exclaimed her to be again the best grandchild in the history of the group/sector/pride/school - what IS the generic group name for grandchildren? and actually began talking about when we'd d see her again - with parents however!
Anonymous, at 4:07 p.m.
(hey, my mom is commenting again!)
Dear grandma, this best grandchild you mention - is it the same one who is screaming her head off at this very minute? The one who is kicking her feet against her bedroom door as we have sent her to a prolonged time out after spitting at me? Because if this is the same child, by all means, please come get her. Now.
crabbykate, at 6:02 p.m.
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