I'm going to bite the bullet and do one of those 100 THINGS ABOUT ME lists. Stand back, people, this could be boring. Read at your own risk.
1. I am the eldest of four children.
2. My mother had four children in seven years - she says she was crazy for part of those years (who wouldn't be?)
3. I have been known to be bossy
4. all of my siblings would say this is true. and most of my friends. and my husband.
5. my daughter doesn't yet get to call me bossy, but I am sure it is coming
6. she is bossy herself
7. I like to fill up lists with the word "bossy."
8. I can be vain and insecure at the same time. Yes, it's a gift.
9. I have a shameless love of reality and teen shows. Even the ones that amongst friends I mock.
10. In fact, I am rushing this list along so I can go watch the end of America's Next Top Model
11. My husband and I once left Toronto and moved to Nova Scotia with our heads full of ideas for a better life of clean air and less stress.
12. What we got instead was a farmhouse with no furniture and jobs packing strawberry plants
13. I was not so good at the farm work, contrary to what you might think
14. I sucked so bad that the female seasonal workers from Newfoundland took pity on me and would help me fill my boxes.
15. The most I ever made at that job was $30/day.
16. We left Nova Scotia a few months after we arrived, with our city-kid tails between our legs
17. I also lived for awhile in Hong Kong.
18. My parents lived in Hong Kong and I was a visiting student there for a semester.
19. I have a B.A in Women's Studies and English. And I work in television, so you do the math on how my preferred job prospects worked out.
20. I can't believe I am only at # 20
21. I am 32, my husband is 30, and our daughter is two and a half. Alice tells everyone I am 45, her dad is 13, and she is 7.
22. I think her guesstimate is more on the money.
23. I named my daughter "Alice" after I heard a woman call her dog "Alice."
24. I was all set on calling her "Jane" but then considered "Alice" after hearing it.
25. Most people think there was a more romantic idea behind her name, like she was named after her great-grandmother or that she is named after ALICE IN WONDERFUL. But nope - she was named after a dog. A dog I don't even know.
26. I played piano for 10 years and was quite good at one point in my life.
27. When I was 17 and close to taking my ARTC I met a boy and fucked off on practicing for a long time and never really picked it up again.
28. I still regret that.
29. I have my great-grandmother's grand piano in my house, the only thing I own that is actually worth anything. (other than my love, of course. barf).
30. It's a beautiful instrument and I hope one day Alice might get interested.
31. I swear a lot.
32. I am trying to curb my swearing around my small child but just can't get used to saying "oh fudge". Doesn't give me the same rush and satisfaction.
33. I used to smoke but quit when I got pregnant.
34. I have never really gone back to smoking full-hog but have been known to have one here or there when I am around friends. note to judgers: not around my child
35. I should remember this is my blog and who gives a flying fuck if I smoke now and again
36. I refer you back to #8 - insecure.
37. I know many people and am surrounded by lots of acquaintances, but have only a few really close friends. I like it like that.
38. I used to be quite close with a number of people, but something changed around the time I had my daughter
39. the friends I am close with now I really cherish as they are kick-ass people. If you are reading this, you know who you are.
40. My little sister has become a good friend, despite the fact she lives in New Jersey (asshat)
41. I frequently find myself dressing Alice in pink even though I personally only wear mainly black. Don't know how that happened.
42. I am now officially missing the end of America's Next Top Model to finish this
43. My husband can really get on my nerves and I on his.
44. We can bicker like nobody else
45. Apparently, though, we still love each other. No worries, friends!
46. I am 5'8"
47. I am the shortest in my family.
48. My favourite snacks are anything that involves sour cream.
49. When I was pregnant I almost ate an entire tub of sour cream by myself. and it was goooooood.
50. good god I am only at #50
51. at the start of my career I worked for two big assholes, in companies that are notorious for being horrible places to work.
52. That experience truly affected how I now deal with work relationships. For the better.
53. I learned to always say thank you and to give credit where it was due.
53. I also learned the finer points of the television distribution industry, which has helped me in my current job
53. I am now a Partner in my own company and have a great business partner with whom I love working.
53. I can honestly say that I love my job (for the most part).
54. I got "let go" in Girl Guides when I was 11.
55. Apparently, I had a problem with tying knots, had a bad attitude. and never had my uniform on correctly.
56. Being asked to leave Girl Guides goes over really well with your Catholic parents.
57. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school, which pretty much equally fucked me up and did me a ton of good at the same time.
58. I also got into trouble there for never wearing my uniform correctly. (Puhleeeeaaase - only white t-shirts under white blouses and NO kilt above the knee?)
59. My mom helped me shorten my kilt herself.
60. She also went to Catholic girls school and was a child of the 60s, so she knew the way of the mini-kilt.
61. That might have been the only thing my mom and I agreed on in high school.
62. We fought a lot. I gave her a really hard time. She said she used to bite her tongue the minute I entered the room.
63. We got much closer when I moved out at 19, and had her granddaughter at 29.
64. I know that karma's a bitch, and I expect the same from Alice
65. I love to scare the carp out of myself with scary movies but then am afraid to sleep afterwards
66. I am on Celexa for my generalised anxiety disorder.(GAD)
67. When the doctor told me she thought I had GAD, I said "but isn't that what all moms have???"
68. I still struggle with my decision to be on these meds, and I am sure at one point soon will want to come off
69. I can have bad panic attacks in lines, mainly at the bank and at grocery stores.
70. Once I had such a bad panic attack in Zellers and I was with Alice. I started looking around for people I could approach to look after her if I totally passed out.
71. That's when I knew I really needed help - when I was looking for strangers to watch my child
72. After I found out I had GAD, it turns out my father had carried around a bottle of Valium for mnay years for the same problem.
73. My family is loud and agressive and in your face.
74. They are also totally lovable and I will take on anyone who says otherwise.
75. Did I mention I'm a bit protective?
76. Matt and I have started to talk about the possibility of a sibling for Alice
77. The thought of doing it all again (delivery and the first year) scares the shit outta me. I'm much happier with this stage.
78. I want Alice to have the benefit of having a brother or sister, but I don't know if we will ever be ready.
79. I sometimes wake up with horrifying dreams of Alice being killed in some horrible way.
80. And then I can't get back to sleep and I end up watching reruns of Roseanne late at night
81. I am an avid book reader, and usually have about 3 books on the go at once.
82. Once when I was working at a crappy retail store in university, I closed the shop at 11AM and spent the rest of the day in the store's creepy basement finishing THE ENGLISH PATIENT.
83. I once enacted an elaborate revenge plot against an asshole who I kinda-sorta didn't-date-but-shared-his-bed in unversity for a few months.
84. It was so successful that my desire for my revenge actually scared me and I had to end the plan.
85. Just to be clear: there was no physical harm involved in this revenge. Just some job and reputation loss.
86. On his end, not mine
87. I can't believe I am almost at 100!
88. I love cats, but Matt is allergic
89. We are getting mice, however, due to our close proximity to a restaurant strip. And getting a cat will be the only thing that stops them for good. Ahem, Matt.
90. I hate mouse traps, but we have been using them
91. I am fairly new to the blogging world, having just started in September of this year
92. To be honest, I was blown away by both the quality of the entries and scope of the blogging friendship network.
93. Once, I was on the same plane as the Beastie Boys
94. Good lord, this is my big claim to fame. A lot of you have already heard that.
95. But can I just say once more how cute I think Ad-Rock is?
96. I also have a giant crush on Joaquin Phoenix.
97. and my husband. Yes I still have a crush on Matt. As long as he shaves.
98. I once was a girl who went to indie rock shows and drooled over guitar boys and ended the night with nachos at Sneaky Dees
99. Now I'm a girl who goes to craft shows and drools over the my new dvd portable player and ends the night with camomile tea and LOST.
100. I wouldn't change a thing. (welllll....maybe a few things. But not the important stuff)